Monday, March 12, 2012

Day 18 and 19: Motivated by TO-DO lists

Oopsies.... I forgot to post yesterday, and I'm just getting today's post up in time before it is technically too late!

These past couple of days, and this week for that matter, will largely be defined and fueled by getting items done from the to-do list. I'm in CRUNCH mode. I don't know about you all, but I get to a point where I either hit a wall harder than I thought I would, or I keep repeatedly hitting a wall until something mixes it up, or I hit a wall and I don't realize I'm hitting a wall but still have the drained emptiness to show for it. I don't know what you guys think, but I kinda feel like I might be experiencing all three of these.... Is that even possible?!?!?

I have Spring Break coming up. Actually, it's pretty close, except if I use the length of my to-do list as written on Post-it notes to measure, it is pretty far away! I'm making it a point to get out of Northern California and am headed down to So Cal to catch up with some friends and visit the lovely House of Mouse! I need the change of scenery.

Also, in a moment of reflecting on what Lent is all about.... I'm choosing to add something to my life in an intentional way for 40 days. Jesus spent 40 days in the desert being tempted by an and every way possible. Honestly, it never really occured to me how long 40 days actually is. Like I said, I'm just taking a quick 15 minutes to write a blog post daily, and honestly, I'm getting a little tired from it.... But I took it on in a meaningful way and I will keep going!

Unrelated, but slightly related, tangent: I will do my best to keep updating from the road this weekend and next week! I promise, I'll update when I get home for sure!

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