As someone who has intentionally and professionally chosen an altered "year" calendar... I still find myself thinking through the past calendar year and thinking about the good, the bad, the in between, and the life that happened all mixed throughout. I've grown accustomed to using the school year calendar (August-June) to make new goals for myself as that is how my brain is programmed to keep track of time and events. For those of you out of school... do you ever fully stop using a school calendar to think about life?!? It just seems like something that we are all used to because that is how we got our start....
Anyway, needless to say, I've found myself making some new-year-flavored goals over the past week or so. And really, its more of a "think-about-this-past-year-and-weave-what-I've-learned-into-2013" sorta thing. I get weary around using the term "goals" especially with New Year's timed resolutions... I've had many years to practice these and my record for maintaining them was all the way through June...and that was just to remember to take my vitamins everyday! =/
Anyway, this year has been quite eventful, especially life-eventful. The two biggest markers that immediately come to mind was Gurley passing away in March, and me ***FINALLY*** getting my teaching credential!!! You can imagine, two pretty big events with lots of mixed emotions thrown in the mix. While I can sit here and remind you of all the good, bad and emotional that went on with those two events (read past blogs if you're so inclined) I thought it would be better to share with you what I have continuously learned this year and why it will remain my top priority in 2013.
Every year, and life for that matter, is full of those "type" of events, those extreme ones in some case or another, that typically become timeline markers throughout the year. But as I think beyond those events, I can't help but think how the only way all things are manageable are because of the friends and family that get you through and walk through them with you and celebrate when it is time to celebrate and let you lean on them when you just can't lean on yourself anymore. This year was a HUGE blessing in building, strengthening, and maintaining relationships with friends and family. What I've learned is that when my focus is on those around me, real life comes into that and fills the gaps.
Because this is a bit of year-in-review post, here are some highlight pictures from this year!
The year started out right with great friends and great laughs!
Winter Camp 2012 with these love bugs!
Day adventures for girl time!
Born in the '80s so let's celebrate in the '80s! Love this girlie!
Spring Break Adventures with the one and only Sugartits Sugatits TITS!!
These two helped immensely to get to the finish line in the program!
We did it! Time to celebrate baseball style!!!!
ALWAYS time for a Giants game! What a good year for them as well!!!
Baseball game with the family
Lots to celebrate this year- Congrats Coco!
The Nest and Dinosaur Land! Three Legged Dog Relaxing vacation 2012!
Best Week at Frontier Ranch with these girls!!! You are ALL going big places in life!
Finally got to go to La Quinta with my aunties and cousins from the 21+ crowd! Such a special weekend!
Extra fun cousin time!
Happy and wonderful colorful co-workers!!
Roomie is getting MARRIED!!!!
Congrats to the MRS!
And that's just the tip of the ice berg! So as you can see its the people that get you through the timeline markers. 2012 was evidence enough for me! So here's to a 2013 in which the value of relationships goes nowhere but up!
Well hello there.... long time no! It has been a busy, busy summer with tons of fun and good memories thrown in there and some down time in between things! Just in case you were wondering... here's the legit and quick breakdown of what this summer has been from a calendar standpoint:
1. Graduate from Sac State
2. $ub
3. San Diego part 1 for Cori's high school graduation
4. La Quinta/ San Diego part 2 for Girls weekend a partial family reunion
5. Beach House weekend with friends!!!!
6. Frontier Ranch with some of the best junior high girls EVER!
7. Palm Desert adventures at the Nest and Dino Land with Sam and Sara
8. Breakway crazy day camp with cute 1st graders!
9. Olympics and pool parties
10. Neil Diamond's magical concert experience
Throw in some house sitting, pool time, river floats, card games and you've got a recipe for a fantastic summer of great memories and even greater friends!
But what else is life right now? I went back to San Ramon for a few days and had not a lot to do.. With both parents working hard all day, I had no one around to entertain/annoy depending on who you ask! ;) I started to do a puzzle because I haven't done a puzzle in what feels like AGES! I don't mean a wooden puzzle with a kindergartener, but a real one. With 1,000+ pieces, tiny pieces, similar colors and shades... that kind of puzzle. There is something about being in college where space is a premium that makes it hard to dedicate an entire table surface to completing a puzzle when you or one of your many roommates might need it for a late night paper writing session.
Anyway, back to San Ramon puzzle-doing.... I sat down at the dining room table where all puzzles are built at Cree Court! As I was sitting there, turning over pieces, separating edges from non-edges, starting to think about the colors of the puzzle (because piece shapes were not going to help me with this one!) and looking for matching pieces (you know the ones where the innies and the outties matched up and the colors made it obvious) and I just started to relax a little. I'm a complete, self admitted nerd when it comes to how relaxing puzzles are for me. There are nights in high school where my family and I would start a puzzle and I would sacrifice precious teenage sleep to find that "one-more-piece." So my brain is relaxing and I just started to think about how doing a puzzle was particularly fitting to where my life is at right now.
This summer has been nothing but connecting pieces together. I don't have an apartment in Davis right now, but somehow God had this awesome plan for me to stay and house sit all summer. And the weeks and weekends that I didn't have a place to stay, I had summer camp, or beach houses, or generous friends to fill the gaps. All the while, I've been searching for that "what's next in life" puzzle piece. Kinda a big piece I've realized... I'm so excited about the possibility of having my own classroom but that piece of the puzzle hasn't fallen yet... and I've been given a crazy amount of patience as I wait for that to come together... definitely not my own source of patience because there is no way that I could do this on my own.
Anyway, long story short, I've realized that the "what's next" piece is actually its own mini-puzzle within the larger puzzle of life. And, I'm okay with that! When I think about being in Davis or being in San Ramon, I can get excited about different things in both places. Realizing that that is really a lucky place to be has been a huge gift. Normally, I get caught in trying to make the best decision that is perfect in every way that could possibly matter (admittedly, these things are pretty superficial, but there is some depth involved!) What I've realized is that deciding to make an adventure out of each and every day is what it is all about, no matter where I'm at from a location standpoint. So often I want the "where" of my life to matter. But the reality of it all is that no matter where I'm at or who I'm with, I will constantly be filling in pieces to the "what's next" puzzle. And in the same way that doing puzzles at the dining room table in San Ramon relaxes me, I can find and feel a sense of relaxation as I wait for the next pieces to fill in!
Also, while writing this.... these songs came on in my iTunes library... pretty fitting and it might have something small to do with the fact that I have bought all these songs within the past week!
Well, my blog-reading friends, it sure has been a while..... I was on a mighty roll with keeping the blog current with my self-proclaimed 40 Days of Gratitude challenge until life happened. And not necessarily the "crazy-busy-with-lots-of-fun" flavor of life, but in that "life-has-hard-times-too" flavor... I'll be completely honest in saying that I think about Gurley every day in some way, shape or form. I'm not going to lie, there was a part of me that didn't really know how to start blogging again... The last few posts I wrote were all about Gurley.... It feels sorta funny to start writing again and having it not be about her... or at least not being ALL about her....
So I guess there has been a big chunk of time and life that has gone by... And in that big chunk, I've been kept busier than busy at times with this credential program. I think it is safe to say that since the last time I updated... I turned in PACT (and passed it!!!!), took RICA (and passed that big guy), successfully survived my 2 week solo (and only had minimal hair loss due to stress) and officially began the 1 week countdown to graduation.... I absolutely cannot believe that in just 1 week I will be celebrating my graduation from completing my teaching credential...
I literally cannot tell you all enough how exciting and relieving this is! It has been a roller coaster ride like I never could have imagined! The roller coaster started when I was little.... One of the reasons I really, super wanted to become a teacher was because of the whiteboards. I remember sitting in Gurley and Norman's family room in their San Ramon house and one day, Gurley showed me where she kept her mini-whiteboard. I thought it was the COOLEST thing ever. EVER! And my love of whiteboards (and teaching too....) just kept growing from there. Until now.
Now there is an end in sight that marks one finish, and big, fat, whole new beginning. I walk the stage Friday as a way to show that I did it. I got the credential that the state of California decided I needed to get. But Saturday (....okay maybe a week or so after that.....) marks my start to a whole new adventure of job hunting. I'm sure that process will be draining and exhausting and invigorating and challenging all at once. But, I feel confident in the fact that in some capacity, one way or another, I will get to where God has me going.... Until then, this week is filled with lots of excitement and celebration! =)
This past week hasn't been marked so much by time, as much as it has been bookmarked by meals and restaurants. I can't quite explain to you the blur that these past 5 days have been, other than the fact that I can recall specific events that happened, certain meals that were shared, a few conversations that took place.... the rest feels quite blurry and blended together. My grandma passed away late Tuesday night. She fought till her last moment, and finally God wrapped his hands on her and brought her peace and comfort. In the crazy process that this week has been, it got me thinking about what really is time. Sure, as someone who wears a watch daily and feels nakie without it, my first instinct is to say "Time is the clock, keeps a schedule, provides some sort of common agreement; most often marked by hours and minutes." Sometimes, time becomes the number of days, weeks, months or even years we've experienced. But at what point does time blend itself into the memories that stick with you for a lifetime?
Among the calls, texts, letters, emails and hugs of support that my family and I have gotten over the past 5ish days, reminiscing and sharing in tears of laughter and tears of sadness, and talking about memories have brought an equally significant type of comfort. I'm a firm believer, and forever will be, in the fact that nothing in the world can prepare you for the emotional loss of someone significant to you. This week has proven that to me in so many ways, I couldn't even count them. As the events of the week progressed, there were random bits and pieces that I learned about a woman who I loved so much, that were a mystery to me before. While my initial brain reaction was one of regret, I found a peaceful knowledge in the fact that this woman who is so much a part of my world, had so much more in common with me than I had ever known.
We spent a lot of time looking through pictures, letters, jewelry... all those things that wrapped Gurley into her perfect Gurley-ness. We found pictures, ugly sweaters (no offense), jewelry, purses, old letters and cards.... everything that was near and dear to her heart. I found her 50th reunion high school book-thingy. One of my favorite things about her was that whenever I told her my friend drama, no matter what it was, silly or stupid, there always seemed to be some parallel in her life. I so appreciate the way she shared her friend stories with me and made me feel like her experience was just what mine was too, which brought me comfort in knowing that everything would be alrite. There are several times I remember sitting at a table or couch, telling Anyway, while I was looking at your 50th reunion book, your advice to your fellow classmates was "Live, Laugh, Love." How did we not know that we shared the same life motto? I can't make this up... I have this saying on multiple things! I truly am her grand-daughter!!!!
There are many things that will only be ours. After school talk shows, swimming during the summers (remember how I would put my goggles on, go under water, check out your water aerobic exercises, come up to the surface and "copy" you?), getting our nails done, treating my friends in the same way that you treated me (Kris loves you for it, how could she not?! Heather does too!), going miniture golfing in Castro Valley, watching Annie, and other movies for that matter (We saw Goodburger, and I also saw Love Actually with my grandma for the first time....), talking about Dancing with the Stars, school and teacher advice, helping you out at the library and getting to do the scan-books-magnitize thingy... all of these things were marked by time at some point or another, but now they are just memories we have. Memories that I will keep for forever. Gurley, I miss you tons, will love you always, and will always be your Cookie.
So, I'm deviating from my daily entries for a damn good reason, if I do say so myself.I wanted to take a bit to share with you how cool my grandma is. And I'm fully aware of the fact that you all probably think you're grandma is the coolest one there is too... but still.... My weekend and/or Spring Break took a bit of a loop on Friday afternoon when I found out that my grandma was now on Hospice care and the outlook wasn't so hot.
Honestly, I thought about the blog. But if I'm truly real with you all and myself, if I were to list the ways I've been thankful it would be purely a "head-attempts-to-make-heart-feel-this-way" sort of thing. And yes, the memories and the qualities that I'm thankful for are playing through my mind like some weird combination of a slide show and home movie, but I'm not quite ready to settle into that part yet and instead I thought I would share just a few of the things that have played throughout this weird episode.
I had the pleasure of having my grandma, Gurley (blend of "grandma" and Shirley = Gurley) living in San Ramon with me for the first 14ish years of my life. I don't think I really knew how cool it was to be able to call her after a day in 6th grade and have her pick me up, take me back to her house, watch Jenny Jones and eat popcorn with me. Or how fun it was for her to take me to get my first manicure and pedicure (something I was always jealous of her for doing) and then taking me to Office Max and letting me literally SHOP till I was ready to drop with all the paperclips, pens, pencils, etc that I got. Or how she always had an open door for my friends and I to go swim in her pool during the summer. She would always attempt to buy us new pool toys, but would always get the cheaper pool noodles that left chunks on our skin before the summer was over. And how she would always invite me over to spend the night at her house, watch Annie with me which was one of the only movies she had, and let me sleep on the big comfy chair. Why I thought sleeping on the chair was better than a couch and/or bed I have no idea. But she laid in the family room with me until it was okay for her to go back to her own room. Or even how my best friend growing up, Kristen, would ALWAYS ask about her, and how Gurley would always ask about Kris. She was constantly welcoming, always friendly, and definitely always had my favorite snacks in the cupboard.
I was trying to think of some attempt at profound statements, or
wisdom that I feel I can share, but I don't have anything. Instead...
here are just a few random pictures I found on my parents computer that
will hopefully give you the smallest glimpse into her loving sass that
she had for everyone!
Life is getting fun again lately, and today I started journaling again! It felt SO nice to get pen to paper and write without thought or worry and get it down on paper. I've loved blogging everyday, but there is something different about it. Don't get me wrong, I love the clickity clack of typing. But I also love the crinkly sound a page in a journal makes from pressing down with a ball point pen. It's oddly satisfying.
I thought about why I hadn't been journaling. And my reasons suck. A lot of it has to do with not having the time for it. And my not "having" the time for it, I really mean not making the time for it. There is a reality factor in which journaling requires time, and sometimes a lot of it depending on what's on the inside. With the craziness of school and student teaching, and trying to find time for fun stuff, it just became low on the totem pole of what I wanted to spend my time doing.
I think there is another part of me that was hoping and thinking that if I don't journal, problems will sift through themselves. SO WRONG! SO SO WRONG! There is a hope I think to wish and want for things to connect dots to themselves. However, I've learned that that is not the case and it is important to allow time to process things and get them out in some capacity.
So my Blog World Friends.... if you're feeling heavy with stuff, take some time to think about getting it out somehow. It will help!
So... Did you know that Hunger Games came out?! If you didn't... WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?!?!?!? Last night a few friends and I went to the midnight premiere in Vacaville! It was so fun! I have to confess I haven't finished the book yet... but I am in the process of reading it and I'm not going to give up!! I will finish it and it will be fabulous! It was nice to get together with some of the girls from Teacher World and be so un-teacher-world! Yay for friends and midnite movies!
Also, this is the most AWAKE I've ever been at a midnite movie.. usually I'm asleep and wake up for the credits! I only slept for like 10 minutes! At least I think that's how long I was out! =)
Well, I said I would try my best while I was on my little road trip to stay up to date, and what do you know?!? I slipped. So in the spirit of keeping on the 40 Days of Gratitude... Here are a variety of things that have brought be some joy over the past couple of days!
Spending some time in my friend's mom's classroom. It was fun to help and hangout but also observe for a couple hours. Good perspective, and further proof that teaching is teaching no matter where!
BEACH TIME!!! Kristen and I went to Huntington and chatted for hours! It was such a gorgeous beach! I honestly don't know if I've seen that much sand on a beach in California in a LONG time! Sounds so dumb and obvious, but it was beautiful tan and freckled sand and the waves were lovely to watch! And the sun was shining and my heart was happy!
Street fairs in Huntington! It was fun to walk around the beach, spend some time at the street fair and just catch up a bit more!
Bagels before driving
Smooth, uneventful driving in a non-allergic reaction sort of way
Granola bars that are also a wannabe microphone when driving one of the most boring drives ever and you don't want to think or you don't know what to think about it!
Fun nights at Edge. I got Bryan out in Dodgeball TWICE!!!! I'm usually terrible at this game, but we put some spins on it and Once you were out you could help your team out from jail and I got him out!
Going for drinks to celebrate Emma getting into UCD Vet School! It was fun to all sit around at De'Veres (our spot of choice) and spend time with friends and catch up
Sleeping in this morning.... okay I didn't really sleep that late, but the option was super nice and to wake up and have a pretty slow morning has been relaxing.
It is always nice to take a break from the normal routine, but sometimes it is nice to get back to it too. I had a nice visit with friends in SoCal, and as much as I'm not a fan of LA itself, it was nice to be in a new place. Well sorta new, new in the sense that it wasn't a place where I knew where every street went. I'm liking the idea of a new adventure soon, and I think it will come, I just don't know what kind of adventure. I think one of the hardest things is to find adventure with where you're at. I've said it before, and I'll say it again... I'm not a fan of change, it freaks me out a bit, it's stressful, not always fun, exciting, exhilarating, unpredictable. All sorts of things. I'm feeling like I'm getting to a point where I need some sort of variety. But until I actually know what that is on account of God hasn't quire given me all the clues to solve the mystery yet, I'm going to try to find adventure and variety where I'm at in the best way I know how.....
Day 26: sitting FOREVER at Chili's with one of my best girl friends from college!
This is a continuation post from a few days ago... but I get to La Verne yesterday, the one and only hometown of my girl Kristen! I met her at a Chili's knowing that we would both be happy campers with chicken tenders and a margarita! Literally 4 hours passed. 4 HOURS! I can honestly, and proudly say that I had never accomplished such a thing before yesterday! It was so nice scratching the surface of what life has been like for the past few months for each other!
I've been trying to figure out this mystery, and I could be totally wrong and off, but I think I'm starting to get somewhere with it. I've had several conversations with a variety of my people about how we form our community of friends and the people we keep close to our hearts. I'm starting to think that we as humans sorta have this "Community Crunch Window" in our early 20s. During this time, we find people that make us feel complete and build our puzzle with ALL the pieces, edges, insides, everything! And we're not meant to spend our forever days with these people, but they hold such a special place in our heart and our lives that we will always have them as a foundation.
So basically, in other words, speaking from my own life at least, my friends that were my friends in my "formative 20s" will always be my go-to. I think about a lot of these friendships and even though i don't get to talk to them all the time and spend every day with them, they will forever hold a fond spot in my heart.
I'm also not trying to say that you can never add to your foundation. I've met some WONDERFUL people that have brought many laughs and happiness and all other good-feeling things that were not in my early 20s. I'm just saying that I think we as humans are sorta wired to absorb people in a slightly different, yet significant way. And maybe my early 20s just represent one of those "I'm-becoming-me" phases of young adulthood, which is a scary thought in itself.... but I'm just thankful for the people of that phase of life, and really all people. If you haven't noticed, I'm a people person, and people leave their marks on me in mostly good ways ;)
In closing, here's an all-to-true Bible verse that I think wraps it up nicely:
Proverbs 27:17 Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another.
Today, I'm thankful for ponchos on splash mountain! Splash mountain is one of my favorite rides, but being wet is one of my least favorite things! I was super excited that it was open when we went to Disney, and I was even more glad that I bought 2 cheap-o ponchos at Target! Got to go on the ride, looked good doing it and looked even better after! The proof is is the pictures, my friends!
Day 24: Today I am thankful for making it to places safe and sound!
Spring Break started for me on Friday which meant that I couldn't wait to peace out for a few days and get to SoCal for a few days to see a couple of my people! But in typical Steph fashion it had to be slightly more complicated than just driving for hours on end in an incredibly boring part of California. I started by stopping at a Starbucks for a coffee. I took a few sips, started to feel funny, drank some water, read the computer label and found out that they put SOY in my coffee. Well uhm, I'm kinda allergic to soy as in throat gets scratchy and kinda closed.....
AHH! Are you kidding me?! All I want to do is get to So Cal and get some greasy food and they are putting soy in my coffee! NO FREAKIN WAY! I found some benadryl, took one, sat at a McDonalds and let it do its magic and finally felt okay enough to start driving!
Lots of bathroom stops later, some gas station coffee which might have had like triple the amount of caffeine by body is used to, and some random CDs later, I finally got to LA! Tomorrow is Disneyland!!!!!!!!!
Yesterday I had to go to a PE workshop for school and basically all we did all day was play! If I had to wait a day longer for spring break to come, then I'm glad I got to play while doing it!!
Day 22: Today's gratitude is going to my very dear friend Kristen (Sugartits(Sugatits(Tits))).
I met this girl my freshman year in college and we had this magical friendship moment where we were walking to "Trudy's" (okay really, talk about a Farm-college convenience store's name...) and we were walking probably to buy Dino Eggs and soda or something really "healthy" and one of us said "We're gonna like totally be each other's bridesmaids or something"
Well tonight, we finally, and by "finally" I mean FINALLY caught up for a little bit! I get to go down South next week and hang out with her and her awesome family and catch up on life! There ARE bullet point lists on all the things we need to catch up on and we will chat about them all! Probably over pizza, and/or chicken nuggets and/or cheez-its!!!
Today I am thankful for lunch after the job fair! 11 of us squished into the booth at Applebee's and enjoyed ourselves some fun times after a slightly stressful job fair! Job faire=no fun! Happy Thursday aka happy almost weekend aka happy almost disneyland time!!!
Day 20: Today I am throwing the gratitude towards desserts!
I'm not a big dessert person, but I do enjoy myself an evening adventure. 2 grocery stores, a million indecisive choices, and 1 forced decision later, we finally found dessert! I'm glad that it brought the tiniest of small breaks in what feels like a crazy busy week!
Oopsies.... I forgot to post yesterday, and I'm just getting today's post up in time before it is technically too late!
These past couple of days, and this week for that matter, will largely be defined and fueled by getting items done from the to-do list. I'm in CRUNCH mode. I don't know about you all, but I get to a point where I either hit a wall harder than I thought I would, or I keep repeatedly hitting a wall until something mixes it up, or I hit a wall and I don't realize I'm hitting a wall but still have the drained emptiness to show for it. I don't know what you guys think, but I kinda feel like I might be experiencing all three of these.... Is that even possible?!?!?
I have Spring Break coming up. Actually, it's pretty close, except if I use the length of my to-do list as written on Post-it notes to measure, it is pretty far away! I'm making it a point to get out of Northern California and am headed down to So Cal to catch up with some friends and visit the lovely House of Mouse! I need the change of scenery.
Also, in a moment of reflecting on what Lent is all about.... I'm choosing to add something to my life in an intentional way for 40 days. Jesus spent 40 days in the desert being tempted by an and every way possible. Honestly, it never really occured to me how long 40 days actually is. Like I said, I'm just taking a quick 15 minutes to write a blog post daily, and honestly, I'm getting a little tired from it.... But I took it on in a meaningful way and I will keep going!
Unrelated, but slightly related, tangent: I will do my best to keep updating from the road this weekend and next week! I promise, I'll update when I get home for sure!
Day 17: Taking a day to break the norm (mostly)....
Today I went on a little Bay Area adventure with the parents. We went to Moss Beach, Pacifica, stopped in SF for some coffee and then headed home. It was nice not only to get myself a brief stop at the beach, but also to get to spend some time with my parents.
Day 16: Today I am so grateful for a special phone call.
For those of you that have read my blog before, you know that I got to work with a student last year that touched my heart in a big way! This year I've gotten to keep in contact with him just a little bit... I've sent him cards that I hear he loves (HINT: Find the most ANNOYING music card, send with quick note, and find out how much child will love it!) I've made it over to the school to visit a couple times, but still nothing like what it was like working with him everyday.
Well (technically it was Friday afternoon) I got a text message from an old co-worker/friend who was working with him. She had told me that he was having a bad afternoon and wanted to know if I wanted to chat with him. OF COURSE I SAID OF COURSE!!!!! Well, he was a little embarrassed and shy because he wasn't exactly in the best space emotionally. It was random, but kind of encouraging....
Anyway, my night went on, same old, same old (Friday night= cleaning room, putting clothes away, looking at my school to-do list, etc etc) and my phone rings.... "Hi this is blah blah blah from [Place where kid lives] I have A here, and he would like to talk to you."
I talked to my little friend for 25 minutes. It was the first time he had taken advantage of having my number in about a year, and we chatted about pillow pets, letters I'd sent him, cards that he has kept, friends and school, what to do when we're having bad days, etc, etc."
I hung up the phone with him and was just in this excited-confused-humbled-encouraged state. Knowing that I wouldn't get to see him everyday was heartbreaking at the end of last year. Never did I think that a kid, a 4th grader at the time, would touch my heart that way. Even more than that, knowing that 9 months later, he still remembers me and wants to call me on a Friday night and chat about nothing and everything at the same time is SO SO humbling and encouraging.
As I've trudged through the credential program, there have been points where the only reason I want to be a teacher is simply because I can "be good at it." I mean, I think everyone is looking for some sort of job that they can be good at, that at times it seems so natural and innate that it doesn't require a whole lot of investment. I've sort of developed an idea of what a job should be based on your ability to participate in "other life" outside of it. For example, finding a job where you can still play sports, invest in friends and family, volunteer for a youth group/club/etc.
But this Friday night phone call reminded me in a big way of why I truly, whole-heartily want to be a teacher for the rest of my life (until I retire at least...). The reality is that kids are the future of tomorrow. Don't be hatin' cliches have truth. As a teacher, I have an opportunity to affect and love kids and make them believe even if for a small minute that they matter to someone. My hope and dream of being a teacher is that I make an impact on at least one kid that sticks with them for a lifetime. Often times, teachers talk about "one kid" who changed it all for them, and this little guy has definitely started a change in me.
Thursday is one of the longest days of the week for me... Not only is it long from the standpoint of being out and at class, but it is the day that my tired catches up to me most! So today I'm thankful for writing this post while snuggled under the covers. Thursday night bedtime... It is nice to meet you!!
There is some admitted irony to this post today.... I am thankful for productive afternoons and running errands and knocking things off my to-do list that were not even there. The ironic part... I'm working on homework at 12:00midnight......... I really hope my sleepy brain isn't the only one that sees some potential humor in this....
Today was a pretty good day overall, but I would definitely say that it was made better by the point that I made it a priority to come home from a full day of student teaching and a discussion panel to exercise... I'm feeling my exercise priority slipping... okay, not completely, but I do want to make sure I keep it on the regular.... I feel like I'm going out of the New Year intense motivation phase, and I don't want to settle in to the "Let's-not-get-soft Spring...."
...... Here's hoping this will bring a little fitness inspiration back into my step! LITERALLY.
Today I'm thankful for getting out of class early, and having NO traffic on the way home!
Let me tell you, these two things brought an extra little pep to my afternoon/evening. Mostly because they just make me feel a little less "thrown-to-the-woes" of constantly commuting. But also because they made it possible for me to enjoy a coffee and a walk with Sarah, watch a couple of innings of Giants' Spring Training (HOO-RAH!!!), and catch up with Alyssa and Dash at The Beer Shoppe! Ya know, for a Monday, I'll take it! =)
Today, I'm thankful for day trips to a gorgeous city by the Bay. Literally!
Today I went on an adventure with Sam, Hannah, Emma, and Cat! We found our way to SF and enjoyed some time on the pier! We walked around, enjoyed the sites of the gorgeous city with not a cloud in sight! Sam and I spent lots of time sitting on the grass chatting, while the girls wandered the streets and found their own San Francisco! Gotta love quick, fun adventures. Especially when the sun is out!
Today's gratitude goes towards all the love and celebration that marked yesterday!
Today was filled with lots of celebrating and time with my people! Pretty much all of them, whether in person, on the phone, over skype, through text message, facebook... you name it! It was raining love for the day and I am so thankful! Let's let the pictures do some of the talking, shal we?!
Started the day off with a cup of coffee with Dash!
Headed to breakfast at Putah Creek Cafe with the fam-bam!
Throw in some family hangout time, a wireless bike odometer and some sparkly sequin toms.... and it was time for a time travel....
These two made me the coolest Pacman cake... complete with the white dots he likes to eat!!!
Prom Pose
To any and all of you that had a small part of my birthday.... I send nothing but love and appreciation! You're AWESOME!!!!