Saturday, February 25, 2012

Day 4: hot tea

Today's gratitude is going to hot tea. 

Lately my roommate, Sarah, and I have had our share of accumulating quite a collection tea varieties. Literally, I think we have about 15 DIFFERENT flavors/types/kinds/varieties/etc on our shelf! At the end of tiring day of school or class or life, there is just something nice about enjoying, one, two, okay maybe even three, cups of tea! It somehow makes the mounds of homework seem a little less daunting. That might be because one of our favorite tea types/flavors/varieties is "Tension Tamer" but still, that means it works and that means that the homework-induced tension isn't as bad! It helps! Anyway, today's gratitude goes to hot tea. I enjoyed one cup this afternoon while enjoying a little hair styling action, and I'm enjoying another cup right now as I try to tackle my to-do list. (I promise, my lift hasn't always been and WON'T always be about doing homework on a Saturday night! I had a good brother-sissy dinner and movie date earlier, and now I'm facing the dragon named Procrastination (he's winning BTW) Anyway.... hot tea reminds me a lot of life. Sometimes, it's too hot to drink right away, but once it cools off to that perfect warm temperature, its quite soothing and relaxing. And before you know it, you're ready for another cup! So, here's hoping you had something soothing/calming/enjoyable about your Saturday!

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