Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Day 7: Dash

Day 7: Today's gratitude goes towards my friend, Dash. 

There were several great things that made this day a whole lot better than the yucky-for-no-reason monster that was yesterday. I finished filming my lessons for PACT which is such a huge relief, I remembered my coffee jail cell aka my travel mug, I didn't forget my water bottle which made for a more hydrated day, I got to give Emily a squeeze and then walk the Arbo with Sam, I FINALLY talked to my friend Mark after weeks of phone tag and I had a somewhat productive but mostly relaxing evening and then wrapped out the night with some Biggest Loser time with Dash.

Which brings me to my daily dose of intentional gratitude. I'm throwing today's gratitude towards Dash. This guy has one of the kindest, most thoughtful, most sincere hearts I know. I can't tell you how many times we've laughed until we're crying, how many times we've shared tears until we've laughed, random adventures, TV watching, and of course how many times he makes me hot tub with him. If Dash could, he would inhabit a hot tub permanently. Me on the other hand.... NO THANKS!

Anyway, tonight I was reminded (yet again) how he can make a good day, GREAT, a crappy day better, a tired day more energized, and a confusing day seem more clear! The more and more I think about how awesome his friendship is, the more and more I just feel appreciative of who he is.

To you, my friend, I send nothin' but love! 

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