Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Day 6: Survived

Day 6: Today's gratitude is going to the fact that I'm just about ready for bed.

Not in that terrible, horrible, no good, not fun type of way, but I'm just glad that today is done. Last week I enjoyed myself a little 1/2 break. I didn't have student teaching, but still had my Sac State classes. The two take-aways from this are that (1) I got to stay up late with a little less guilt and sleep until the sun was already up with NO guilt (2) I got to wear some of my beloved denim! Anyway, the Monday after a break from routine is always a challenge for me! I'm a creature of habit which means that I can easily settle into NOTHING to do, or I can easily get amped up for a busy, non-stop sort of routine. Well, during my 1/2 break I found my self slipping (as much as PACT Monster would let me.....) into the ever-so-easy flow of not a lot going on...

Fast forward through a fun weekend, and bring me to Monday. I lay in bed this morning just repeating to myself that it was just going to be that kind of a Monday. Well, I can say I survived it at this point. Again, nothing terribly, awful, astonishing and/or painful happened (Thank God), just a case of the Return-to-Rhythm Mondays. Today I'm thankful for pushing it through no matter what the circumstances are, and getting to a point where I can fondly look forward to what Tuesday has in store for me... Here's hoping I've got a little more jazz in my pocket to face this next day!

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