It rained today. Actually at several points in poured today. I got DRENCHED walking to my car. And for that, I'm thankful that I had a rain coat to "sorta" keep me dry. I am also thankful that by the time I got out of class EARLY (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) the sun was shining and I was able to go for an hour long walk with Sarah! Pretty nice Wednesday afternoon, I'd say!
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Day 7: Dash
Day 7: Today's gratitude goes towards my friend, Dash.
There were several great things that made this day a whole lot better than the yucky-for-no-reason monster that was yesterday. I finished filming my lessons for PACT which is such a huge relief, I remembered my coffee jail cell aka my travel mug, I didn't forget my water bottle which made for a more hydrated day, I got to give Emily a squeeze and then walk the Arbo with Sam, I FINALLY talked to my friend Mark after weeks of phone tag and I had a somewhat productive but mostly relaxing evening and then wrapped out the night with some Biggest Loser time with Dash.
Which brings me to my daily dose of intentional gratitude. I'm throwing today's gratitude towards Dash. This guy has one of the kindest, most thoughtful, most sincere hearts I know. I can't tell you how many times we've laughed until we're crying, how many times we've shared tears until we've laughed, random adventures, TV watching, and of course how many times he makes me hot tub with him. If Dash could, he would inhabit a hot tub permanently. Me on the other hand.... NO THANKS!
Anyway, tonight I was reminded (yet again) how he can make a good day, GREAT, a crappy day better, a tired day more energized, and a confusing day seem more clear! The more and more I think about how awesome his friendship is, the more and more I just feel appreciative of who he is.
To you, my friend, I send nothin' but love!
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Day 6: Survived
Day 6: Today's gratitude is going to the fact that I'm just about ready for bed.
Not in that terrible, horrible, no good, not fun type of way, but I'm just glad that today is done. Last week I enjoyed myself a little 1/2 break. I didn't have student teaching, but still had my Sac State classes. The two take-aways from this are that (1) I got to stay up late with a little less guilt and sleep until the sun was already up with NO guilt (2) I got to wear some of my beloved denim! Anyway, the Monday after a break from routine is always a challenge for me! I'm a creature of habit which means that I can easily settle into NOTHING to do, or I can easily get amped up for a busy, non-stop sort of routine. Well, during my 1/2 break I found my self slipping (as much as PACT Monster would let me.....) into the ever-so-easy flow of not a lot going on...
Fast forward through a fun weekend, and bring me to Monday. I lay in bed this morning just repeating to myself that it was just going to be that kind of a Monday. Well, I can say I survived it at this point. Again, nothing terribly, awful, astonishing and/or painful happened (Thank God), just a case of the Return-to-Rhythm Mondays. Today I'm thankful for pushing it through no matter what the circumstances are, and getting to a point where I can fondly look forward to what Tuesday has in store for me... Here's hoping I've got a little more jazz in my pocket to face this next day!
Not in that terrible, horrible, no good, not fun type of way, but I'm just glad that today is done. Last week I enjoyed myself a little 1/2 break. I didn't have student teaching, but still had my Sac State classes. The two take-aways from this are that (1) I got to stay up late with a little less guilt and sleep until the sun was already up with NO guilt (2) I got to wear some of my beloved denim! Anyway, the Monday after a break from routine is always a challenge for me! I'm a creature of habit which means that I can easily settle into NOTHING to do, or I can easily get amped up for a busy, non-stop sort of routine. Well, during my 1/2 break I found my self slipping (as much as PACT Monster would let me.....) into the ever-so-easy flow of not a lot going on...
Fast forward through a fun weekend, and bring me to Monday. I lay in bed this morning just repeating to myself that it was just going to be that kind of a Monday. Well, I can say I survived it at this point. Again, nothing terribly, awful, astonishing and/or painful happened (Thank God), just a case of the Return-to-Rhythm Mondays. Today I'm thankful for pushing it through no matter what the circumstances are, and getting to a point where I can fondly look forward to what Tuesday has in store for me... Here's hoping I've got a little more jazz in my pocket to face this next day!
Monday, February 27, 2012
Day 5: Looking forward while loving the present
Day 5: Looking forward while enjoying the present
It is far too late to be worrying about blogging, but I'm extra gracious for all that's coming up in the next few months! Today, and this weekend really, I spent lots of time with loved ones on in person, on walks, at the movies, on the phone, over skype, grubbing down, exercising, all sorts of fun! It seems that every time I was with someone, we were planning something SO FUN! Not just throwing out fun ideas, but actually, officially (it's on Facebook soooo.....) planning fun things to look forward to. It made me realize that I have been incredibly blessed to not only have people that keep me sane and grounded and calm in the present, but have also been blessed to have a number of opportunities and events to look forward to! I mean, I don't wanna brag or anything but.... birthday shenanigans, followed by a day at the beach with my family the following weekend, then Disneyland the weekend after, then a brew tour with the amigos, then pretty much after that D-O-N-E and can say I'm a teacher, and then not to far from that.... BEACH HOUSE!!!!! Let me tell you, have something glorious to motivate me to the weekends is surprisingly grounding in the midst of the chaos. For those of you that are extra observant, yes, it is 12:30 California time, and yes, I'm thinking about missing sleep, but I feel jazzed up on the fun times coming soon!
This morning at church we were singing an awesome song called "Your grace is enough." And one particular line especially struck me: "You lead us by still waters" I sorta realized that in these first few days of my 40 Days of Gratitude, all the things that I've "chosen" have all been parts of my day that bring me by still water, or bring me a sense of calming peace and enjoyment. I guess what started as a post about being happy while looking forward to the present, is also a post in which I feel especially gracious and appreciative for the fact that God can bring me still water in a variety of environments and circumstances and still bring a sense of peace to my insides. For that, I have eternal gratitude....
It is far too late to be worrying about blogging, but I'm extra gracious for all that's coming up in the next few months! Today, and this weekend really, I spent lots of time with loved ones on in person, on walks, at the movies, on the phone, over skype, grubbing down, exercising, all sorts of fun! It seems that every time I was with someone, we were planning something SO FUN! Not just throwing out fun ideas, but actually, officially (it's on Facebook soooo.....) planning fun things to look forward to. It made me realize that I have been incredibly blessed to not only have people that keep me sane and grounded and calm in the present, but have also been blessed to have a number of opportunities and events to look forward to! I mean, I don't wanna brag or anything but.... birthday shenanigans, followed by a day at the beach with my family the following weekend, then Disneyland the weekend after, then a brew tour with the amigos, then pretty much after that D-O-N-E and can say I'm a teacher, and then not to far from that.... BEACH HOUSE!!!!! Let me tell you, have something glorious to motivate me to the weekends is surprisingly grounding in the midst of the chaos. For those of you that are extra observant, yes, it is 12:30 California time, and yes, I'm thinking about missing sleep, but I feel jazzed up on the fun times coming soon!
This morning at church we were singing an awesome song called "Your grace is enough." And one particular line especially struck me: "You lead us by still waters" I sorta realized that in these first few days of my 40 Days of Gratitude, all the things that I've "chosen" have all been parts of my day that bring me by still water, or bring me a sense of calming peace and enjoyment. I guess what started as a post about being happy while looking forward to the present, is also a post in which I feel especially gracious and appreciative for the fact that God can bring me still water in a variety of environments and circumstances and still bring a sense of peace to my insides. For that, I have eternal gratitude....
Saturday, February 25, 2012
Day 4: hot tea
Today's gratitude is going to hot tea.
Lately my roommate, Sarah, and I have had our share of accumulating quite a collection tea varieties. Literally, I think we have about 15 DIFFERENT flavors/types/kinds/varieties/etc on our shelf! At the end of tiring day of school or class or life, there is just something nice about enjoying, one, two, okay maybe even three, cups of tea! It somehow makes the mounds of homework seem a little less daunting. That might be because one of our favorite tea types/flavors/varieties is "Tension Tamer" but still, that means it works and that means that the homework-induced tension isn't as bad! It helps! Anyway, today's gratitude goes to hot tea. I enjoyed one cup this afternoon while enjoying a little hair styling action, and I'm enjoying another cup right now as I try to tackle my to-do list. (I promise, my lift hasn't always been and WON'T always be about doing homework on a Saturday night! I had a good brother-sissy dinner and movie date earlier, and now I'm facing the dragon named Procrastination (he's winning BTW) Anyway.... hot tea reminds me a lot of life. Sometimes, it's too hot to drink right away, but once it cools off to that perfect warm temperature, its quite soothing and relaxing. And before you know it, you're ready for another cup! So, here's hoping you had something soothing/calming/enjoyable about your Saturday!
Lately my roommate, Sarah, and I have had our share of accumulating quite a collection tea varieties. Literally, I think we have about 15 DIFFERENT flavors/types/kinds/varieties/etc on our shelf! At the end of tiring day of school or class or life, there is just something nice about enjoying, one, two, okay maybe even three, cups of tea! It somehow makes the mounds of homework seem a little less daunting. That might be because one of our favorite tea types/flavors/varieties is "Tension Tamer" but still, that means it works and that means that the homework-induced tension isn't as bad! It helps! Anyway, today's gratitude goes to hot tea. I enjoyed one cup this afternoon while enjoying a little hair styling action, and I'm enjoying another cup right now as I try to tackle my to-do list. (I promise, my lift hasn't always been and WON'T always be about doing homework on a Saturday night! I had a good brother-sissy dinner and movie date earlier, and now I'm facing the dragon named Procrastination (he's winning BTW) Anyway.... hot tea reminds me a lot of life. Sometimes, it's too hot to drink right away, but once it cools off to that perfect warm temperature, its quite soothing and relaxing. And before you know it, you're ready for another cup! So, here's hoping you had something soothing/calming/enjoyable about your Saturday!
Friday, February 24, 2012
Day 3: Accidental Sunburns
Today's gratitude is going to accidental sunburns.
I'm sure there are 2 thoughts you are having right now....maybe more, but let's start with 2.
1. SUNBURN?!?! It's February!
2. Why didn't she put on sunscreen... she's been sunburned before, she knows how it works!
Well, let me tell you.... SO if I got sunburned today, that means that I was able to spend enough time enjoying this beautiful, spring-like sunshine OUTSIDE (aka not inside on a computer and/or in classs and/or driving in my car) to soak up enough sun that I got a little color, even if it is pink right now! I started the day off going on a walk through the Arbo with Kelcie with coffees in hand! We had great conversation as we walked through all those trees! Then I came home and decided that whatever homework I was going to work on was going to be done outside, enjoying the warm weather and sun, POOLSIDE! Now, it's no beach, but sitting by the pool is quite refreshing to my soul! And then after some homework, I walked across the park to Target! I think I got a nice little break from the grind of things that were these past few days today, and for that, even if I'm "marked" by a little sunburn/ weird tan lines, I'm so appreciative!
In other news.... PACT stuff was turned in. I got about 85% done, which means my professor will give me feeback on that much of it which is A-OKAY in my book!!!! Now, I'm trying to play the catch up game on other homework, but first I think I will enjoy a card night with some friends and a few fun conversations with friends and family!
I'm sure there are 2 thoughts you are having right now....maybe more, but let's start with 2.
1. SUNBURN?!?! It's February!
2. Why didn't she put on sunscreen... she's been sunburned before, she knows how it works!
Well, let me tell you.... SO if I got sunburned today, that means that I was able to spend enough time enjoying this beautiful, spring-like sunshine OUTSIDE (aka not inside on a computer and/or in classs and/or driving in my car) to soak up enough sun that I got a little color, even if it is pink right now! I started the day off going on a walk through the Arbo with Kelcie with coffees in hand! We had great conversation as we walked through all those trees! Then I came home and decided that whatever homework I was going to work on was going to be done outside, enjoying the warm weather and sun, POOLSIDE! Now, it's no beach, but sitting by the pool is quite refreshing to my soul! And then after some homework, I walked across the park to Target! I think I got a nice little break from the grind of things that were these past few days today, and for that, even if I'm "marked" by a little sunburn/ weird tan lines, I'm so appreciative!
In other news.... PACT stuff was turned in. I got about 85% done, which means my professor will give me feeback on that much of it which is A-OKAY in my book!!!! Now, I'm trying to play the catch up game on other homework, but first I think I will enjoy a card night with some friends and a few fun conversations with friends and family!
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Day 2: Support
Day 2: Today's gratitude is dedicated to support.
So, in true form of this crazy credential program, I have a lot of assignments that are due right now. Because I will probably talk about it a lot, here's a quick "what-you-really-need-to-know" about this monster of a project that we have named PACT. It's basically an intensive project that will supposedly prove my competency as a teacher based on my pages and pages of planning, commentary, discussion and dissection of various teacher things. In other words, a high-stress emphasis on aspects of teaching that are innate to people.... ANYWAY! I'm in a crazy phase of this project.... deadline to submit for feedback is 11:59 tonight.....
So today's gratitude. Today I'm so thankful for the support that I have in my life. There were 3 specific things today that really struck me in an otherwise chaotic day:
1. I got a sincere, heartfelt, supportive phone call from my friend, Amy right at one of those moments today where I was feeling the intensity! Sam, Amy and I meet as often as we can to share life with each other and spend some time reflecting on what God is doing through all the craziness. Getting that phone call from her so kind and calming and brought me out of my self-induced chaos just for a moment, which was so nice.
2. While I was in one of those chaotic classes this afternoon, my friend Nate walked through the door! It was such an AWESOME surprise because he doesn't even go to Sac State (.....yet.... ;) )Anyway, it was one of those moments when all I needed was a good hug from one of my people. I texted his awesome wife, Kelcie, and she said she was sitting in the parking lot waiting for him! Knowing how close friends are can sometimes be such a comfort of support. God plants familiar faces just when I need to be reminded of another reality beyond the current and confined one that school sometimes brings on.
3. I'm also thankful for getting to carpool with people on days like this. Sometimes, campanionship and chatter in a car before and after a whirlwind means the most to people! Thanks girls!
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Day 1: Warm Evenings
Day 1
Today's gratitude is thrown to warm evenings!
Today, I am thankful for warm evenings. Today was a gorgeous day and I was inside most of the day working on homework, sitting in class, and working on more homework. Yes, productivity is a good thing, but still beautiful weather is also a good thing! I was so very pleasantly surprised to walk outside on my way to church at 6:45, yes 6:45 at night and have it still feel decent and lovely! It brought me right back to this past summer where my nights were filled with card games with friends, bike rides across town, chocolate milk, and well....... if I keep going I'll have about 7 days of things to be thankful for, so I'll stop there! Anyway. I'm thankful for warm nights that bring joy and comfort. It's the small things right now, and tonight the crisp air was quite a nice, and unexpected, gift!
40 Days of Gratitude
Well, it's been quite some time since I've sat down to write a blog post. And lucky you.... I'm going to embark on a 40 day spree of writing! Today is Ash Wednesday which marks the first day of Lent. Lent is marked by 40 days of fasting of some sort. Some people choose to add something to their life instead. I have to admit that I had a hard time thinking of something to fast from or add to my life this year. Partially because I feel like it is way to soon for it to already be Lent which means Easter isn't too far off which just seems crazy to me! 2012 is blowing me by! The other reason I have had a hard time is because I wanted to take on a significant challenge during these 40 days.
I was inspired by my good friend David, who has given up Facebook and Social Media for the past few years for Lent. This year he is taking a creative twist on it and choosing to be more intentional about blogging. I have to admit (as this is a day of confessing....) that I thought his idea was brilliant and I'm going to copy it... to some degree!
Over these next 40 days (technically it is 46 because Sunday 'doesn't count') I'm going to be intentional about giving gratitude for at least ONE person, place or thing. My hope is that by doing this, it will not only just help me recognize all the blessings in my life, big and small, but that it will also help you realize how lucky you are and that blessings come in all shapes and forms. ALSO: You have my permission to keep me accountable and on track. And without further ado.....
I was inspired by my good friend David, who has given up Facebook and Social Media for the past few years for Lent. This year he is taking a creative twist on it and choosing to be more intentional about blogging. I have to admit (as this is a day of confessing....) that I thought his idea was brilliant and I'm going to copy it... to some degree!
Over these next 40 days (technically it is 46 because Sunday 'doesn't count') I'm going to be intentional about giving gratitude for at least ONE person, place or thing. My hope is that by doing this, it will not only just help me recognize all the blessings in my life, big and small, but that it will also help you realize how lucky you are and that blessings come in all shapes and forms. ALSO: You have my permission to keep me accountable and on track. And without further ado.....
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